My Review on Rock Haven ( Full Movie)

Posted by Benedick.Ramos on 6:47 AM

Religion, sexuality and romance collide as a deeply spiritual, young man experiences his first love.

Rock Haven is not the first Gay Christian coming of age movie because remember the film, Prayer for Bobby, it has a similar theme. Brady, played by Sean Hoagland, finds that he does not have to abandon his spirituality to fall in love.

When Brady's mother, played by Laura Jane Coles, moves him to the coastal town of Rock Haven he is set up for the conflict of his life. While mom is busy opening a Christian school nearby, Brady is left to walk the beach, watch the waves, read from his ever present Bible and find friends on his own.

There is an instantly recognizable chemistry between sexy next door neighbor Clifford, played by Owen Alabado, and Brady. From the church pastor, to a girl Brady's mom sets him up with, everyone sees what's happening and in one way or another encourages him. According to his pastor, God does not ask you to make choices about who you are. Apparently, at least in Brady's case, that's for mothers to do.

Clifford's mother, played by Katheryn Hecht would light candles, incense and leave condoms on the pillow case. If not for their mothers being the antitheses of one another, the film would be far less real and more fairy tale like. Unfortunately Brady's mom is not only very unforgiving, but a literal Christian cliché. We were also treated to several scenes where Brady tries to scrub away his sins in a hot and very steamy shower. In the final shower scene, where he has his last alone and conflicted moment about being Gay, Brady trembles naked and hunched down on the floor outside of the steaming shower. He apparently can't get in the shower to wash away his sins. Again, maybe a little too cliché and overt.

That said, the film is inspiring in both the beauty of the rugged coastal location it was set in and the development of Brady and Clifford's relationship. As Clifford falls in love, he sees the magnificence of their relationship, has a spiritual awakening and confides that it could only be a gift from God. In another breathtaking scene the two boys walk hand in hand down a narrow and solitary road through a field and a breeze gently blows through the tall grass. It was remarkably simple and beautiful. The real beauty of Rock Haven lies not in the dialogue, but in the quiet moments where Brady is with Clifford and searching for his soul.
Do the two boys finally get it on? You'll have to see the movie to find that out! All in all it's a solid Gay flick and definitely worth seeing. The boys are easy on the eyes. The scenery and cinematography are spectacular. And it's comforting, at least for an hour and a half, to feel that Christianity and homosexuality can coexist in the love of two young men. Bravo and four stars out of five.
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6